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Board portals are highly efficient ways to streamline meetings and assist directors concentrate on governance. However, selecting the best one requires careful evaluation. You must ensure that it meets the most crucial requirements, including security as well as collaboration and meeting management.

Achieving board approval for your portal is essential for an effective implementation. Begin by engaging the stakeholders–board members, executives, and IT personnel early in the process to explain the advantages of a paper-free boardroom as well as to address any concerns or objections. Then, plan and conduct testing with a limited number of users to ensure the portal is easy to use and includes the essential features.

Once it is implemented, a board portal will cut down on time for all users–directors, chairpersons, and company secretaries as well. They can spend more time planning, organising and running efficient meetings. This will also improve the process of making decisions and improve the effectiveness of follow-up activities. It will also aid in achieving ESG goals by removing paper and reducing the carbon footprint.

A good board portal will organize documents in a central location, making them easier to browse and access. The portal will allow directors to collaborate and annotate documents. This helps in better planning for meetings and helps ensure that sensitive information is not lost in email chains. It will show scheduled meetings as well in other items to prepare. This ensures that your board has current information. It should also include a task management system in order to keep track of all assigned tasks.